Friday, August 31, 2007

A "wonderful, greatness"

Finally......Rain!!! The kids played in the rain with their umbrellas and splashed in the puddles along the curb. Lily said smiling "This is a wonderful, greatness!" It sure is.

Finger Painting

To keep little hands from getting into trouble.......... I set them up with paints and paper outside. It kept them busy for an hour. They really enjoyed it and the rain shower, later, washed away the mess.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Candice's 11th Birthday Party!

We went to Candice's party on Saturday.
Lily, had so much fun swimming, she passed out in the car on the way home.

Family Water Play

We were all hanging outside Friday night, when Lily poured water over her daddy's head. After that, I got out the hose and soaked everybody! Here is Noah squirting his "water shook".

Those don't go in your nose!

Noah, is always doing crazy things to make us laugh!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

JK Roller Skating Social

Lily went roller skating yesterday. She did really well and skated all by herself!

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Day of School!

Sending your daughter to St. Mary's $$$$$

Cute new designer dress $40

New tennis shoes $30

So tired you can't even hold your mouth closed while sleeping......priceless!

Under the little mermaid

Lily likes to wear her mask while she takes a bath. I have a feeling there's a lot more playing going on, than washing.

Friday, August 10, 2007

We went to see baby Avery!

We went to see baby Avery today. Lily got to hold her for the first time. She is so cute! We love you Avery!

Lily's JK Classroom

I went to meet Lily's teachers today. Ms. Coates & Ms. May are very nice and very laid back. Well, I guess you have to be, with 18 four year olds! Here are a few pics of her classroom. I signed up to be the class photographer and for several parties throughout the year.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Who need toys.....when you have trash!

This is a soft drink box that the kids put on their heads and went around the house saying " I am a robot". This Christmas, maybe we should rethink what our kids really want!

The sunflowers finally bloomed!

The sunflowers bloomed and they are huge. Actually, we think a squirrel absconded with one of them, so there is only one left.