Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cake Wrecks

If you have never checked out Cake Wrecks blog you must go there now! It is one of the funniest blogs I have ever read. I always go there when I need a good laugh. Check out the link in my favorite blog list.

Pops in Pots

Another creation for gift giving.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bakerella would be proud

Today, Kellie and I went to meredith's house to create goodies for the kids teachers and friends. I made mint oreo truffles, cake pops and reindeer cake pops. I thought they turned out pretty cute.

Oh Christmas Trees

I have really enjoyed decorating this holiday season. Here are some trees of friends and family that I have done.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Noah's Feast

Matt and I joined Noah at his school for their feast.

Thanksgiving Feast

The girls were very busy all week working on preparing their feast. They made homemade cranberry sauce, butter and mini pumpkin pies. The girls also peeled the potatoes and mashed them, cut up fruit for fruit salad with "real" knives and made place cards too. The teachers are very brave to take on so many tasks with so many girls.

party girls

Jon, Beth, Caly and Emma came to spend the weekend with us. The girls (and Noah) had a great time. I think every toy that we owned was actually played with or at least drug out that weekend. Four sets of hand cuffs that I had picked up at the dollar store were the hit of the weekend. Fun times with the kids!

Why don't we celebrate Hanukkah?

Lily asked me today why we don't celebrate Hanukkah and I told her it was because we weren't Jewish. She said her friend at school is half Jewish, half person. Hilarious!

Her said her not going to marry me.

Yes, my 3 year old is not getting married! Noah is very fond of this cute, blonde, curly haired, girl named Lauren. She goes to the same schools he does, so he sees her 4 times a week. One day when I picked him up from school I asked him if he had played with her that day. He said " her was sad today, her did not want to play with me." I said I was sorry and that maybe she would want to play another day. A few minutes went by and he said "her said her not going to marry me." Well, it was all I could do not to laugh out loud. After a few questions I understood it to be Lauren who had talked about getting married and then changed her mind. I told Noah that girls were crazy and he laughed and agreed.

Catching up

OMG! I am so far behind in blogging. I'm going to blame it on the numerous Thanksgiving parties that I had to attend and or make something for. Of course it has to be condensed into one week so you have to run from school to school and stay up late at night to make the treats you signed up for. Why do I do that? Before kids, I use to enjoy making goodies and elaborate crafts but now I've actually considered (don't die) buying goodies straight from the store! I didn't do it, I just said I thought about it, okay.

Anyway, I will try and do a better job this month. I will start with catching up on a few crazy things the kids have said lately.